Creating an incentive
How to bootstrap liquidity as a new project - make your market for your token
Last updated
How to bootstrap liquidity as a new project - make your market for your token
Last updated
-> Our Incentives Table can be seen at
-> To create an incentive go to
Select the network and add the reward token's address and it's amount to distribute. This token will be distributed as "bribe" or reward for LPers.
You need to provide the reward amount in human readable token amounts. Everything else will be taken care of automatically.
Set the Pool's address you want to provide an incentive for
You can obtain the pool's address from by clicking on a pool and looking at the URL
Or, you can also obtain it from by clicking on your position's pool name, as this will redirect you to the pool's info page, for example for $LARA/$TARA 1%
Set the incentive period. This is how long you will incentivize liquidity provision for(vesting period included).
Use the calendar and clock icons to open the time pickers
Similarly, set an end date too. This is going to be the timeframe that will be taken into consideration when we distribute the incentives between LPers. LPing before or after this won't accure rewards.
When you create an incentive, you need to wait until it is over before you can withdraw your tokens, if some remain.
Set the vesting period. This is the period of time the position inside the incentive program must be in range to receive 100% of their accrued rewards. If you set this to 1, it means that 1 day is enough to get the full rewards. However, if you set this to the full duration of the incentive, every LPer needs to constantly provide LP to get 100% of their incentives.
This value must be smaller than the incentive's duration in days!
→ How does the vesting work? The vesting period over which accrued reward are vested is decided by the Incentives program creator. They could be vested over just a few days, which would have been enough to prevent the 1-tick strategy that has dominated previous incentive programs on v3. The vesting period could also be set for the full length of the incentives program, which should incentivize even wider liquidity across the price range.
Add a refundee addres. this address will receive the incentive tokens once the incentive has ended and someone closed it.
Once you've done all of this, the bottom button will turn into "approve <REWARD_TOKEN_NAME>". When you click it it will ask you to approve the tokens.
Once approved the button will turn into "Create Incentive" and clicking it will create your incentive for your pool. Happy liquidity provisioning!