$TSWAP Emission schedule
How will $TSWAP shape the Taraxa token market
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How will $TSWAP shape the Taraxa token market
Last updated
Taraswap employs a linear emission scheme over 12 years for the $TSWAP token, where:
-> we employ an initial FDV evaluation of 6M USD for $TSWAP as the full value of the Taraswap project.
-> the first 6 months we deploy monthly incentives distributed to the top pools volume-wise, leaving a 2-5% for fringe tokens.
-> after the first 6 months, we will distribute $veTSWAP tokens, which are 6 month linear maturity vested tokens.
To provide a relative value to our yields, the Taraswap team decided to use 5% of the total $TSWAP supply for liquidity provision.
This ensures:
-> a healthy market for the $TSWAP token.
-> a more liquid, circular economy and more incentives for liquidity providers to join our platform. -> a source of income for the Taraswap team to finance R&D of the Taraswap protocol.
We have created 3 incentives on the 3 deepest TVL pools: -> 1.7M $TSWAP over the first month on the $TARA/$LARA pair. -> 2.1M $TSWAP over the first month on the $USDT/$TARA pair. -> 4.2M $TSWAP over the first month on the $USDM/$TARA pair.
With this, we want to incentivise: -> bridging $USDT to $TARA -> minting $USDM and consequently locking $TARA -> buying up $TARA and providing LP with it for a more liquid market.
Besides the main incetivised deep liquid pools, we will create in an ad-hoc manner short-term incentives for fringe pools after launch.
Be on the lookout for these pairs as they will yield high APY for short periods of time!