Taraswap ($TSWAP) token
All about what is the $TSWAP token, tokenomics and role in the ecosystem
Overview and protocol role
Taraswap is a decentralized exchange protocol that enables trading of Taraxa-based tokens. Liquidity providers can deposit asset pairs to earn trading fees, in exchange for bearing risk of losses from large price movements.
$TSWAP token holders have control over a wide range of protocol assets and parameters through the governance process. This includes the community treasury (primarily composed of $TSWAP tokens), setting fee rates for Taraswap(based on Uniswap v3), the ability to introduce new Taraswap incentive rules or changing the current ones.
Benefits of $TSWAP
Taraswap takes a central protocol fee off trades that are not going to be claimed in the first 6 months of the protocol's lifetime.
After these fees will be claimed, they will get deposited into the $TSWAP treasury address and owners of $TSWAP tokens will get 30% of the revenue shared on a monthly basis, in $TSWAP tokens.
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